The information content below comes from the official website.

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is a powerful tool designed to enhance innovation and business performance. Transform insight and awareness into commitment and shared goals.

The Origins

The methodology is built upon a process which stems from the heart of LEGO elements and the LEGO building system. Looking for a tool to unlock imagination and innovation within the company, the LEGO Group realized that a solution might be found in the LEGO System in Play itself: Just as the LEGO Group had been inspiring children to ‘build their dreams’ for decades, so perhaps adults could be asked to build their visions for future strategy. The idea of the methodology originated in 1996 when two professors at IMD in Switzerland and The LEGO Group owner Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen were exploring alternative strategic planning tools and systems. They developed an understanding of the value of employees and the concept of an evolving, adaptive strategy that included using LEGO elements as three-dimensional models of business issues and challenges. The strategy was named LEGO SERIOUS PLAY.

The Methodology

The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology is an innovative process designed to enhance innovation and business performance. Based on research which shows that this kind of hands-on, minds-on learning produces a deeper, more meaningful understanding of the world and its possibilities, the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology deepens the reflection process and supports an effective dialogue – for everyone in the organization. It is a facilitated technique which unlocks the potential of all the participants in the workshop.
At its core, it is about solving complex issues by building models using LEGO bricks. The metaphors in the models serve as the basis for group discussion, knowledge sharing and problem solving and help foster creative thinking and finding unique solutions. The LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology is based on the belief that everyone can contribute to the discussion, the decisions and the outcome.

The Essence

The LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology is a facilitated meeting, communication and problem-solving process in which participants are led through a series of questions, probing deeper and deeper into the subject. Each participant builds his or her own 3D LEGO model in response to the facilitator’s questions using specially selected LEGO elements. These 3D models serve as a basis for group discussion, knowledge sharing, problem solving and decision making. The LEGO SERIOUS PLAY materials and methodology are effective when there is more than one possible right answer, and when the organization wants to harness all available knowledge in the team in order not only to find the best possible solution, but also to get the strongest possible commitment. It is a technique which improves group problem solving. By utilizing visual, auditory and kinesthetic skills, the methodology requires participants to learn and listen, and it provides all participants with a voice. The LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology serves as a shared language regardless of culture or position and requires a trained LEGO SERIOUS PLAY facilitator.

The Shared Goal

During the facilitated meeting, you will be building landscape models with LEGO elements, giving them meaning through story-making and playing out various possible scenarios – a process which deepens understanding, sharpens insight and socially ‘bonds’ together the group as it ‘plays’ together. The methodology will guide you into a free and honest exchange of opinion. The physical and tangible construction allows you to have conversations which flow without the fear of hurting anyone’s feelings.

A Tool for
Building Results

The LEGO elements work as a catalyst – and when used for building metaphors, they trigger processes that you were probably previously unaware of.

Workshop participants leave with skills to communicate more effectively, to engage their imagination more readily and to approach their work with increased confidence, commitment and insight.

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Let's chat about how
can change your organisation.

mupo | Dominik Piotrowski
+48 577 300 312

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